Sunday, August 5, 2007

Upgrade Your Sunscreen

Why upgrading the SPF to 30 is necessary. Even though SPF 15 offer about 90% of UV protection, another 15 would give another 5% which actually what really matters.The first SPF15 gave protection to UVB, the rays that is responsible for the sunburn. Increasing to SPF30 would also offer protection against UVA which penetrate the deeper layers of the dermis that actually caused the fine lines and wrinkles. Recent researches indicate more synergy effect could be gained if antioxidant are also present in the day cream that we used.

That give some guidelines about day cream and the importance of sun protection ingredients. In the next article I will talk about what to look for in our night cream.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So it is in this tone of "forewarned is forearmed" that we embark on a mini crash course in the finer points of the causes of skin damage.

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